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Yeah - totally agree with this! I feel like the time of year does make a huge difference too. I remember when we were in lockdown when the days were long and it was bright and sunny. It's harder to go out when it's cold and rainy and it gets dark so soon. So definitely impacting on mental health I would imagine. I'll be interested to see the research and stats that come from this time we're all in.
I would agree that the weather has had an impact on people's wellbeing. It can be tough to keep yourself motivated and also from a parent's perspective, the kids not fancying heading out in the rain! It does rain a fair bit more in my area of Scotland than anywhere else in the world I think...

In my other role with Barnardo's, family support worker, I have been advising parents to try and promote the kids wellbeing first and foremost, along with their own. The learning is important but as we know, it will be difficult to learn and take in information if we are struggling emotionally.
I don't have children at home but I have spoken with many parents over the last year who have been undertaking home learning with their children and young people. Some have got into a groove but others feel that there is more pressure on them and their children during this third lockdown than there was in the previous two. The time of the year and the accompanying weather has also had a huge impact on everyone's wellbeing which has made remote learning maybe more challenging?
I don't have kids at home but have friends and family that do.
I think this time round parents/carers have got into more of a rhythm with home-schooling compared to previous school closures as they've found ways to adapt to the circumstances.
However, most are on count down till they re-open as juggling work, school and home life has been really tough. On the other hand I know one family who are actually thinking of home-schooling permanently as they've felt they had more control over how their children learn and have enjoyed new types of learning out in nature and developing skills like cooking and sewing etc.
With news that the extension of remote learning, I thought it was important to try and see how people are feeling in this regard? Having 3 children at home myself, I know that it can be quite a stretch to try and get through the meetings and all those to-do lists! Having watched the hard-work being done by my kids teachers and the staff whilst remote learning, I just wanted to see how everyone was managing it all at the minute?