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Getting outside daily is top priority for me alongside a Pilates session. I tend to go out for a walk halfway through the day or mid afternoon.
I find that doing Pilates in the morning even if only for a 10 minutes session, really helps me to prepare for working at a desk. I have more difficulty building in short exercises during the day so that's my next goal! I am so lucky that the brilliant Pilates teacher has developed a library of classes/sessions that you can return to whenever you want to as well as doing live classes so I do 2 lives on a Wednesday and then use the recordings on other days. She has 10 minute long treats up to an hour long so you can pick and choose whatever works for you. Yesterday I felt a bit stressed and popped on a 15 minute sessions focused on breathing to relax. Perfect!
Fully agree with your points! I really find it useful to try and get out for some fresh air at least once per day, stretching the legs and trying to do this before darkness hits!

Taking moments to try and switch off, listen to some music or a podcast, can help break my day up too.
I agree with a lot of this.

In the first Lockdown, I spent much of my time in casual clothes with being at home - but now I get dressed for work (i even put a bit of lippy on some days). Then when I switch my laptop off, I put my pj's on.
Its certainly helped me distinguish the too.
I think for me, it's been really important to try and create that transition from work life to home life each day. Normally I would do this on my commute to and from work - put a podcast on or an audiobook and it would help me detach and enter a new 'zone'. I found this hard at first when we went into lockdown but have found the following things helpful to make the transition:
-Going for a walk straight after work to get fresh air - often a walk and talk with a friend before returning home. This became my 'new commute'.
-Putting away anything that I could that was work related to reclaim my home (Notebooks, laptop, work phone etc all in a basket so it is all out of sight and out of mind).

I also found things to help break up the day so I wasn't sitting in front of a computer the whole time. Things like:
-Going for a walk round the block at lunch time.
-Having a stretch break (stretching for 5 mins to flex the body).
-Five minute mini chores (load the dishwasher/put the slow cooker on ready for tea/get the laundry in the washer etc), it helped me to have a break from the computer screen whilst doing something productive that will help me to enjoy my downtime after work.
-Call a colleague for a 'wellbeing check in'

I'm finding that there are ways to get through this time and that we are often more resilient than we give ourselves credit for.

What are some of the things you've found helpful - can you share any tips?